Tegucigalpa, Honduras

IV Action Plan of Open State Honduras 2016-2018

Alianza de Gobierno Abierto Honduras

In this new 2018-2020 action plan, the recommendations issued by the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM) in its mid-term review report of the III Open Government Plan for Honduras 2016-2018 are also taken into account and the SMART recommendations are followed. that are consistent with the results of the citizen consultations that prioritize the issues of control of corruption and administration of public resources and retakes some of the commitments with moderate or transformative impact to conclude them or advance in this new plan. Among them, civil service issues, implementation of the national transparency policy and its strategy, and the launch of the citizen innovation laboratory in the country.

The most relevant issues and with the greatest demand by citizens to be considered as a priority in this IV PAGAH are:

  • Transparency and access to public information;
  • Citizen participation and accountability;
  • Modernization,
  • Digital government and good governance;
  • Integrity;
  • electoral transparency,
  • Legislative and judicial;
  • Health,
  • Education,
  • Security and culture;
  • Generation of employment competitiveness;
  • Human development,
  • Reduction of inequalities and social protection;
  • Budget;
  • Adaptation and mitigation to climate change;
  • Gender;
  • Human rights and innovation.